Marleigh Apartments
Utilizing federal Historic Tax Credits to support housing development in a historic Old Northside apartment building.
Historic Tax Credits will support the renovation of the Marleigh Apartments
(c. 1928) located in the Old Northside Historic District, Indianapolis, Indiana.
ARCHtrio was asked to prepare the HTC application, to be submitted to the Department of the Interior for approval of the proposed renovation, and to coordinate with the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission. The greatest challenge of the project has been identifying an appropriate replacement window for the existing multi-paned steel sash that are severely deteriorated. The successful replacement sash will provide greater thermal efficiency and egress from the six-story historic apartment building without compromising the visual character of the building as a whole. Additional work will include upgrades to appliances, kitchens, and bathrooms in the apartment units, while retaining and restoring unique historic finishes and features.
2021 - Present
Historic Tax Credits, Historic Preservation
Indianapolis, Indiana